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00lunedì 15 aprile 2002 16:29
sapete x skarikare kanzoni da ANDARE QUI !kome si fa? mi dice satellite na kosa del genre,forse bisogna essere registrati?[SM=x39854]


Il forum dedicato alla trasimissione 'Saranno Famosi'

[Modificato da CARMINE84 15/04/2002 17:33]

00lunedì 15 aprile 2002 20:29
Non conosco il sito di cui parli ma......
Io tutti gli mp3 li scarico da
è un pò come Napster e ci puoi trovare una valanga di titoli e album completi.
Basta collegarsi al sito, scaricare un voilà, smanettandoci un pochino riuscirai sicuramente a prenderne possesso!

sciao bello[SM=x39954] [SM=x39858]
00lunedì 15 aprile 2002 23:18


Il forum dedicato alla trasimissione 'Saranno Famosi'

00lunedì 15 aprile 2002 23:24

00martedì 16 aprile 2002 06:56
non c'e' nessun pericolo insito in audiogalaxy.

carminiello, eccoti la spiegazione:

Circa il satellite

Il satellite di Audiogalaxy è un piccolo programma potete funzionare sul vostro calcolatore che permette che ripartiate la musica. L' interfaccia sul programma satellite soltanto che vi dice che cosa gli archivi attualmente transfering. Gestite il vostro satellite dal Web site di Audiogalaxy. Avrete bisogno dell' inizio attività a Audiogalaxy e dell' inizio attività il vostro satellite con lo stessi username e parola d'accesso. Ottenere la musica usando il Search Engine e la selezione delle canzoni che il vostro satellite proverà ad ottenere da altri satelliti. Nella versione dei Window saprete che il satellite dell' AG sta funzionando quando il marchio di Audiogalaxy compare sul vostro cassetto del sistema (giusto angolo più basso del vostro schermo).

qui altre spiegazioni:

If I shut down my PC, will the system keep track of what files I want to download?
Yes. The songs you request are remembered in your search request queue. This queue is saved even if you exit your Satellite, log off from the Audiogalaxy web site, or turn your computer off. Your Satellite will resume searching for them when you connect again.

Will the Satellite still download my requested files if I am not online?
No, you must be connected to the internet to transfer files.

What is the Bandwidth Throttle?
This adjusts the TCP Window size between 4k and 64k. This should really help people who have problems doing other activities on the internet while their Satellite is transferring files. If you are on a high bandwidth connection, turn it up to fast (64k). If you are using a modem, cable modem, or slow DSL, you should reduce the bar to about one notch below the middle. Play around with this to determine the best setting for you.

How do I prioritize downloads?
Gold members can prioritize thier downloads using the Change Queue Priorities page which is linked to at the top of their Satellite Queue. Songs sent to you by other members are automatically assigned a lower priority than songs you request personally.

What is a .temp file, can I play it?
Files that are currently transferring or waiting to be resumed are written with this filename extension. Once the download has been completed, the file will be renamed to .mp3 Most mp3 players will play the .temp files if you load them (double-clicking to play them may not work since .temp files will not be associated with your player). Beware that if you are playing a .temp file as the download completes, the file will not be automatically renamed (it will stay as a .temp file). To rename it manually, select the file on your hard drive, hit the 'F2' key, and delete '.temp' from the end of the file name.

Why is it sending files from my computer? How do I stop it?
The Satellite is a file sharing program. The files you download come from users such as yourself, so sending files to other users is the exchange you make in order to download from them. To stop sending files, you'll have to exit the Satellite. Of course, this also means you will not be able to download files.

fammi sapere se ci sono problemi.
To the heart and mind, ignorance is kind

There's no comfort in the truth..
00martedì 16 aprile 2002 12:39

Scritto da: W1dE 16/04/2002 07:56
non c'e' nessun pericolo insito in audiogalaxy.

carminiello, eccoti la spiegazione:

Circa il satellite

Il satellite di Audiogalaxy è un piccolo programma potete funzionare sul vostro calcolatore che permette che ripartiate la musica. L' interfaccia sul programma satellite soltanto che vi dice che cosa gli archivi attualmente transfering. Gestite il vostro satellite dal Web site di Audiogalaxy. Avrete bisogno dell' inizio attività a Audiogalaxy e dell' inizio attività il vostro satellite con lo stessi username e parola d'accesso. Ottenere la musica usando il Search Engine e la selezione delle canzoni che il vostro satellite proverà ad ottenere da altri satelliti. Nella versione dei Window saprete che il satellite dell' AG sta funzionando quando il marchio di Audiogalaxy compare sul vostro cassetto del sistema (giusto angolo più basso del vostro schermo).

qui altre spiegazioni:

If I shut down my PC, will the system keep track of what files I want to download?
Yes. The songs you request are remembered in your search request queue. This queue is saved even if you exit your Satellite, log off from the Audiogalaxy web site, or turn your computer off. Your Satellite will resume searching for them when you connect again.

Will the Satellite still download my requested files if I am not online?
No, you must be connected to the internet to transfer files.

What is the Bandwidth Throttle?
This adjusts the TCP Window size between 4k and 64k. This should really help people who have problems doing other activities on the internet while their Satellite is transferring files. If you are on a high bandwidth connection, turn it up to fast (64k). If you are using a modem, cable modem, or slow DSL, you should reduce the bar to about one notch below the middle. Play around with this to determine the best setting for you.

How do I prioritize downloads?
Gold members can prioritize thier downloads using the Change Queue Priorities page which is linked to at the top of their Satellite Queue. Songs sent to you by other members are automatically assigned a lower priority than songs you request personally.

What is a .temp file, can I play it?
Files that are currently transferring or waiting to be resumed are written with this filename extension. Once the download has been completed, the file will be renamed to .mp3 Most mp3 players will play the .temp files if you load them (double-clicking to play them may not work since .temp files will not be associated with your player). Beware that if you are playing a .temp file as the download completes, the file will not be automatically renamed (it will stay as a .temp file). To rename it manually, select the file on your hard drive, hit the 'F2' key, and delete '.temp' from the end of the file name.

Why is it sending files from my computer? How do I stop it?
The Satellite is a file sharing program. The files you download come from users such as yourself, so sending files to other users is the exchange you make in order to download from them. To stop sending files, you'll have to exit the Satellite. Of course, this also means you will not be able to download files.

fammi sapere se ci sono problemi.
To the heart and mind, ignorance is kind

There's no comfort in the truth..

grazie 1000 x le spiegazioni,x ora ankora devo skarikare però appena lo faccio e ci sono problemi ti faccio un fiskio[SM=x39897]


Il forum dedicato alla trasimissione 'Saranno Famosi'

00mercoledì 17 aprile 2002 00:33
Carmine vai tranquillo

io c'è lo da quasi 3 lunghi anni

non mi ha dato nessun problema

00mercoledì 17 aprile 2002 11:33


Il forum dedicato alla trasimissione 'Saranno Famosi'

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